Preparing for kidney stone surgery: Diet, medications, and other instructions

If you have kidney stones, you might need to adhere to a particular food plan. Your healthcare provider will first do blood and urine tests to identify any risk factors you may have. Then, your healthcare professional will provide you advice on how to change your diet and receive medical attention to prevent kidney stones from recurring.
After having kidney stone surgery in Chandigarh, you might be able to make important lifestyle and nutritional modifications.

In simple terms, what is a kidney stone?

When urine crystals accumulate in the kidneys, a hard lump called a kidney stone develops. In most people, the presence of natural substances in the urine prevents stones from developing and posing issues.

Kidney Stone Diet Recommendations

Maintain a daily hydration intake of 2 to 3 quarts:- 

Except for grapefruit juice and soda, healthy fluids include water, coffee, and lemonade.

Less concentrated urine and a daily volume of at least 2.5 litres are the results.

Consume foods low in oxalate:- 

Avoid include rhubarb, spinach, numerous berries, chocolate, wheat bran, almonds, beets, and tea in your diet.

Avoid taking additional calcium supplements:- 

Your doctor and a trained renal dietitian should determine the ideal calcium supplement dosage for you.

Keep your protein consumption reasonable:- 

When the kidneys expel more calcium as a result of consuming more protein, more kidney stones develop.

Limit salt intake:- 

If you consume a lot of salt, you have a higher chance of developing stones.
A low-salt diet is necessary for blood pressure management.

Limit your intake of vitamin C:- 

American Dietary Reference intake recommends 60 mg of vitamin C daily
The body makes more oxalate when it is consumed in excess.

What to anticipate throughout the kidney stone treatment procedure

Ahead of surgery:- 

If you take any medications, vitamins, or herbs before surgery, talk to your doctor since some may need to be stopped.
Tell your doctor if you are or think you could be pregnant.
Please talk to your doctor if you have a bleeding disorder or any other medical issues.

Guidelines for Pre-Op:- 

It is possible to cease taking several blood thinners throughout treatment, including aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, clopidogrel, and coumadin.
Ask your doctor if you still need to take any medications on the day of the procedure.
Don't smoke. You'll be able to recuperate more rapidly if you do this.


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