Varicose Veins- Condition and Treatment

 Swollen, twisted blood vessels that form just beneath the skin's surface are known as varicose veins. These bulges, which are blue or purple in color, typically develop on the legs, feet, and ankles. They could hurt or itch. These are brought on by malfunctioning valves and weak vein walls. Smaller red or purple streaks known as Spider veins encircle the varicose veins.

In general, varicose veins are a risky disease, but severe cases can result in life-threatening conditions including blood clots. Surgery, laser treatment, or injections can be used to treat the problem, however it is recurrent in nature.


Symptoms include:-

Bulging veins:- The most noticeable sign is twisted, bulging, rope-like veins that are blue or purple in color.

Heavy legs:- Leg muscles may feel heavy and exhausted, especially after exercise.

Itching:- Itchy skin may be seen around varicose veins.

Pain:- Legs that are in pain or are aching. Muscle cramping might be present, especially below the knees.

Swelling: Legs, ankles and feet can swell.

Skin discolorations and ulcers:- Brown stains on the skin can result from untreated varicose veins. Additionally, it might lead to skin sores or ulcers.


It can happen due to:

Excessive weight.
Restrictive clothing.
Pressure inside the vein from standing for long periods.

Laser Treatment:- 

Injections, surgery, or laser therapy are all options for treating varicose veins.

Endovenous laser therapy (EVLT) is the name of the laser method used to treat varicose veins. It is an extremely efficient and less intrusive method. It involves the following actions:
1.Initial Assessment:- It is done to thoroughly assess the varicose veins. To determine the severity of the problem, a physical examination, a review of the patient's medical history, and imaging tests like an ultrasound are all required.

2.Preparation for the Procedure:- The area that will be treated must be cleaned and sterilised as part of the procedure's preparation. Light sedation may be used to soothe the patient in addition to local anaesthesia to numb the region.

3.Laser Fiber insertion:- A needle is used to make a tiny puncture wound close to the afflicted region. Through the incision, a tiny laser fibre is placed into the vein. In order to assure perfect installation, the fibre is navigated using ultrasound imaging.

4.Laser Energy:- Once the laser fibre is correctly positioned inside the varicose vein, laser energy is supplied to the varicose vein. The heat energy from the laser aids in the vein collapsing and closing. The name of this procedure is photocoagulation.

5.Monitoring the Fiber:- Using ultrasound imaging, the surgeon keeps an eye on the laser therapy. The vein is then treated segment by segment until the entire sick vein is sealed up as the laser fibre is gently withdrew.

6.Compression and Bandaging:- Bandages or compression stockings are put on the treated leg once the laser procedure is finished. Compressing the veins that have been treated aids in healing and lowers the chance of problems.

7.Recovery:- A nursery process is involved. Patients are urged to take it easy for a few days and follow detailed post-procedure recommendations. A follow-up appointment is scheduled to evaluate healing and track the course of therapy.

It's critical to get treatment for varicose veins from a reputable medical professional. The best varicose veins laser treatment in chandigarh is provided by CHD City Hospital. They have certified vascular specialists on staff who can offer tailored advice based on the patient's condition and guarantee a quick recovery after the treatment.


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